I am officially launching Richman Marketing, LLC- the marketing firm I've been working towards the past four plus years. Specializing in marketing for small businesses with expertise in areas such as search engine optimization, social media management, website management, ad management, professional photography, videography, copywriting, graphics, and much more, I am excited to serve more local businesses in the Springfield, Missouri area. I have a portfolio full of marketing clients in the areas of real-estate, collector cars, restaurants, bars, and numerous retail spaces. My passion lies with growing locally owned establishments and positively impacting my local community.
Coming from a family of small business owners and working in small businesses all my life, I understand what entrepreneurs need to succeed. My experience in the field and bachelor's degree in marketing management have provided me with tools I am eager to share with more clients. Keep an eye out for new blog posts and follow Richman Marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for small business marketing tips. Thanks for being here.
Lauren Lindsay, Owner