Want to invest in the small businesses in your community?
Leave a review.
Leave detailed reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, Trip Advisor, or the business's website. Reviews help improve search engine optimization for the business. This means your review will help the business rank higher in the search engine results, appearing closer to the top of sites like Google and Yelp. Appearing higher on a search engine page makes it easier for other consumers to find the business.
A great review will have...
More than four words
Highly searchable keywords and phrases like "best coffee", "best steak", "cool atmosphere", "perfect date night", etc.
Specific terms you would search for- use that thought process to help other consumers find their new favorite local business!
Added pictures
While spending cash with a small, local establishment is always the best way to invest, leaving effective reviews are EASY, FREE, and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. Your locally business owners will do a happy dance, trust me.
Have you left a review lately? I challenge you to spend the next week being mindful every time you visit one of your usual spots- be it the coffee shop, local grover, retail space, florist, chiropractor, or even after a conversation with your realtor. Leave a review!!